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SCALE-UP before it’s too late!
SCALE-UP stands for “Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven soLutions for connEcted Urban Poles”. The main outcome of the Research & Innovation Project are at least 28 newly developed innovative mobility measures to ensure the vertical (governmental) and horizontal (dimensional) upscaling of urban mobility.
In particular, three European urban centres are participating in SCALE-UP. The cities of Turku (Finland), Antwerp (Belgium) and Madrid (Spain) participate actively in developing new measures but also implement them in real-life to test them under realistic conditions and in different settings.
Following a Kick-Off in June 2021, the SCALE-UP Project runs for a total of 4 years and ends in May 2025. During the execution of the Project, different phases of development and test are planned. If you want to keep yourself informed, consider signing up to our quarterly Newsletter “SCALE-UP In Action”.
Key Information
Start of Project: June 2021
Project Coordinator: City of Antwerp
Maximum Grant Amount: €8,946,502.39
End of Project: May 2025
Technical Coordinator: ETRA
Project Duration: 48 months (4 years)
Budget: €10,388,309.38
About our Work Packages.
Strategies for vertical & horizontal upscaling
Clean, safe & inclusive
Knowledge exchange & take-up
Monitoring & evaluation
Communication & dissemination
Project management & ethics
WP 1 - Strategies for vertical and horizontal upscaling:
- Framework for vertical upscaling (across several governance levels & geographical boundaries) and horizontal upscaling (physically, digitally, on the human level).
- Guidelines & policy recommendations.
WP 2 - Improved multi-level governance models and multi-stakeholder cooperation:
- Innovative governance models (role of the city within urban area and TEN-T network).
- Public Private Partnerships (PPPs).
- Financial and institutional cooperation models.
WP 3 - Multimodal transport systems for passengers and freight:
- Multimodal hubs (emphasis on P&R, shared e-vehicle fleeds and active mobility options).
- Network optimisations for optimal integration of hubs.
WP 4 - Data driven strategies and Tools:
- Data framework (new approach to data capturing, data analytics, business intelligence).
- Translations of regulatory frameworks into open data services for MaaS providers.
WP 5 - Clean, safe and inclusive mobility solutions:
- Innovative, clean and zero-emission mobility solutions (emphasis on shared e-mobility services and added value services).
- Promotion of renewable energies and smart grid use.
- Safety implications.
WP 6 - Behavioural change with a focus on active and healthy modes:
- Travel behaviour and user needs analysis.
- Mobility measures.
- Incentive mechanisms and change of travel behaviour.
- Nudging travel behaviour.
WP 8 - Knowledge exchange and take-up:
- Mututal learning and capacity building.
- Guidelines for Practicioners and Urban Nodes Handbook.
- Knowledge exchange and take-up activities.
- Exploitation strategy.
WP 7 - Monitoring and evaluation:
- Layered evaluation framework, appropriate impact indicators.
- Impact and process evalutions.
- Well-structured evalution findings on all horizontal upscaling levels.
- Contribute to European knowledge exchange.
WP 9 - Communication and dissemination of results:
- SCALE-UP open data online platforms.
- Dissemination materials (newsletter, audio-visual material, printed materials).
- Yearly SCALE-UP events.
- Urban Nodes Platform.
WP10 - Project management and ethics:
- General project management functions.
- Quality and consistency assurance.
- Risk assessment and corrective actions.
- Management of Advisory Board.
- Ethic requirements.
About our consortium.
23 partners - a diverse consortium.
Our consortium consists of a wide range of different partners - ranging from city and regional councils via universities to commercial partners and non-for-profit organisations form 5 different European countries: Finland (4 partners), the Netherlands (1 partner), Germany (1 partner), Belgium (10 partners) and Spain (7 partners).
Take a look at the complete list of partners and their respective websites:
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