Meet SCALE-UP at the Urban Mobility Days and Transport Research Arena 2022
The SCALE-UP consortium attends two major events this autumn, where representatives are going to present some first project results and submit two paper publications.
The first event were the Urban Mobility Days 2022 in Brno, Czech Republic, which took place as a hybrid event from 20-22 September 2022 (access some recorded sessions here) and which are the main event for European policymakers and regulators. In total, 5 consortium members were present at the event (Coordinator City of Antwerp, City of Turku, EMT Madrid, Transport & Mobility Leuven and Eurocities).
Apart from a dedicated project booth, visitors were also able to meet the consortium members during various different sessions during the 3 day congress, including 2 dedicated pitches and several thematic sessions.
SCALE-UP partners at the dedicated project booth at the Urban Mobility Days 2022 in Brno, Czech Republic.
The second event is the upcoming Transport Research Arena (TRA) taking place in Lisbon, Portugal in person on 14-17 November 2022. Two of the papers included in the conference proceedings and published in a dedicated ELSEVIER journal afterwards have been submitted by SCALE-UP partners ETRA and UPM.
Furthermore, the project will be active in form of a dedicated booth and a coordinated agora session (TBC) to speak about data-driven insights emerging from the project.
Author: Friederike L. Kühl (STA)