Fellow Cities

Belgrade (Serbia)

Belgrade, the capital and largest city of Serbia, has embarked on a comprehensive approach to sustainable urban mobility through its Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). Implemented citywide since 2020 and officially adopted by the City Assembly, this plan signifies a strategic commitment to addressing urban transportation challenges.

Furthermore, there is ongoing deliberation regarding the development of SUMPs at the functional urban area level for each municipality within Belgrade. However, it's noteworthy that the current SUMP for the City of Belgrade does not incorporate a Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) connection. This omission stems from the fact that, upon its adoption, the TEN-T network had yet to extend its reach to Western Balkan countries.

Aim: The City of Belgrade has joined the Fellow Cities programme with the ambition of gaining more insights and expertise regarding sustainable transportation. Additionally, an overreaching goal is not only to address current transportation challenges but also to pave the way for a more sustainable and livable urban environment for its residents and visitors alike.


In recent years, the City of Belgrade has grappled with ongoing challenges in regards to effective transport and mobility planning. Some of them are listed below:

  1. Urban Development: The continuous expansion of urban spaces coupled with an increasing population has posed significant challenges.

  2. Population Growth: With a rising number of inhabitants, the demand for transportation services has intensified.

  3. City Expansion: The city's physical footprint has expanded, placing additional strain on existing transportation infrastructure.

  4. Increased Motorisation: A noticeable surge in motorisation rates has exacerbated traffic congestion and dependency on private vehicles.

These factors have collectively contributed to a host of issues including heightened traffic congestion, a decline in public transport usage, low occupancy rates in private vehicles, escalated levels of air and noise pollution, and unfortunately, a rise in traffic accidents. Moreover, persistent challenges include the management of parking facilities and insufficient pedestrian spaces.


The City of Belgrade is committed to formulating a set of measures for the transportation system and improving the transportation system. Some of the key objectives are:

  1. Development of High-Capacity Public Transport Rail Subsystems: Prioritising the enhancement and expansion of public transport rail systems to accommodate the growing demand for efficient and eco-friendly transportation options.

  2. Enhancement of Cycling Network: Focusing on the improvement of cycling infrastructure to encourage and facilitate cycling as a viable mode of transportation.

  3. Improvement of Existing Pedestrian Infrastructures: Investing in upgrades and enhancements to existing pedestrian infrastructure to ensure safety and accessibility, thereby fostering a pedestrian-friendly urban environment.

  4. Development of More Pedestrian Spaces: Dedicated efforts towards creating additional pedestrian spaces within the city, providing safe and enjoyable areas for walking.

  5. Enhancement of City Logistics: Streamlining city logistics processes through strategic development and improvement initiatives aimed at optimising freight transportation and delivery systems.

 Contact the Fellow City of Belgrade