SCALE-UP In Action
Newsletter Issue #2-2021
SCALE-UP In Action is the quarterly e-Newsletter of the EU-funded SCALE-UP Innovation Action, sharing news on the progress of the project activities.
Capacity Building Webinar offers tools to assess mobility measures
In support of the 3 urban nodes of SCALE-UP - Antwerp, Madrid and Turku - a capacity building webinar has been held on 10 November 2021. Its main purpose was to give each city the right tools to evaluate the context of change and to correctly assess the potential innovative mobility measures ahead.
SCALE-UP Urban Node Turku Kick-Off Meeting
The first of three Urban Nodes in the SCALE-UP Project has held a kick-off day on 28 September 2021, consisting of several presentations and introductions to all of the planned tasks as well as available resources.
The Urban Node consists of several partners including the City of Turku, the Turku University of Applied Sciences and the Regional Council of Southwest Finland. A total of 10 measures are to be implemented within the Turku city area.
SCALE-UP Urban Node Madrid Kick-Off Meeting
The second Urban Node in the SCALE-UP Project has held a kick-off day on 08 October 2021, consisting of several presentations and discussions addressing all of the planned tasks as well as available resources and responsibilities.
The Urban Node consists of several partners including the City of Madrid, the Municipal Transport Authority (EMT), the Regional Transport Authority (CRTM) and the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Find out more about the planned activities in the article below.
News of Interest
SCALE-UP joins ALICE initiative for TRA 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal
SCALE-UP partners Eurocities and STA joined the European Technology Platform ALICE on 19 November 2021 for a first information session to share and explore possibilities to join TRA2022 Conference in Lisbon together.
One representative of the conference also joined the session to present the objective and theme of next years’ conference as well as all possibilities to participate and co-design it.
LEAD logistics micro hub in Madrids’ parking lots installed
The creation of this logistics distribution point is one of several measures contemplated in the Madrid 360 Environmental Sustainability Strategy. The distribution of goods will be carried out sustainably with thanks to a fleet of 100% electric motorcycles, specially adapted for urban distribution.