SCALE-UP In Action

Newsletter Issue #2-2022

SCALE-UP In Action is the quarterly e-Newsletter of the EU-funded SCALE-UP Innovation Action, sharing news on the progress of the project activities.

Madrid Stakeholders participate in Focus Discussion Group

In order to gain knowledge on vertical and horizontal integration, the first of several Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held in April 2022 with a group of local experts, in Madrid, Spain.

Its’ main purpose was to discuss Madrid’s mobility strategy, and assess the various types of innovative mobility measures SCALE-UP is monitoring and assessing in Madrid city and region. The purpose of the FGD was to identify -with experts external to SCALE-UP project-, new or different challenges and barriers (for vertical and horizontal integration), than the ones being identified within the project through the multiple webinar exchange workshops being held regularly in each technical work package.

Thematic Knowledge Exchange Seminar on Data-Driven Mobility sparks pan-European conversation between cities

In line with previous SCALE-UP Knowledge Exchange Seminars (see here), aimed at sharing experiences, policies, techniques and knowledge across the three project Urban Nodes (Turku, Antwerp and Madrid), a final seminar was held online on 22 June 2022.

Each of the cities shared some of their pains and gains when it comes to various aspects of ever increasing amounts of data collected from mobility and transport measures and services:

  • Collection, ownership & access restrictions;

  • MaaS applications;

  • Cybersecurity & privacy protection;

  • Multi-level governance models, which support but also hinder data-driven mobility analysis;

  • Urban Vehicle Access Restrictions (UVARs);

  • Central data collection & processing units.

News of Interest

Madrid city council approves Madrid360 initiative

A new environmental sustainability strategy has been put in place in Madrid in order to meet European air quality, sustainability and safety targets. It is setting out to reduce emissions by a factor of three compared to the previous “Madrid Central” initiative.

The plan includes a wide range of measures, including moving further roads and lanes underground, reducing the cost of parking sports for electric and hybrid cars, expanding bike lanes and Urban Vehicle Access Restrictions (UVARs). It also includes the launch of a new comprehensive and multi-modal MaaS application.

Consult the full programme (in Spanish) here and visit the official Madrid360 website (in Spanish) here.

European Parliament votes to ban combustion engine cars from 2035

The new legislation is a key component of the Fit for 55 package and mandates that carmarkers should reduce their fleetwide emission averages by 100 percent from 2035, with interim steps 2025 and 2030.

This of course has various key implications for city departments, urban planners and all citizens. One major challenge will be the increased demand for charging infrastructures especially in peri-urban areas.

Regional cooperation works properly in Finland

Overcoming both positive and negative changes in society and the business world, local, regional and national governing entities need to consider all stakeholders needs and interests.

This article contains several different use cases in Southwest Finland, in which common challenges have been overcome, such as industrial degeneration but also rapid growth of industries, climate change and dispersed areas with a plethora of different actors.

Embark on a new kind of international collaboration.