SCALE-UP wishes you Happy Holidays
During the past year, SCALE-UP has finalised the initial definition stage of the project cycle, defining and setting up all measures and the overarching project management processes as well as the comprehensive evaluation framework.
The consortium held it’s first in-person consortium meeting in Antwerp in May 2022, implemented first measures in each of the Urban Nodes and began to disseminate first insights in a total of 8 external events.
The SCALE-UP partners are looking forward to the new year, which includes the launch of many additional mobility measures in each of the Urban Nodes, new events, liaison activities and the launch of the Urban Nodes Platform (the call for contributions will be launched soon!).
The entire SCALE-UP consortium wishes you a merry holiday season and a great start into the next year 2023 (which will mark the end of the first half of the SCALE-UP Project in June 2023)!
Author: Friederike L. Kühl (STA)