SCALE-UP Website and Social Media Channel launched.
The SCALE-UP Project website has been launched, offering it’s visittors easy access to the key information and metrics, an overview over the activities and consortium partners, a news section for continuous updates and a library, where all of the public deliverables are available for the general public.
Furthermore, three social media channels have been launched, who are dedicated to SCALE-UP’s activities and partners. Subscribers are automatically updated on relevant pieces of news or related posts. For the purposes of this Project, the platforms YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn have been deemed the most appropriate channels. You can visit and subscribe to them following the links below:
Finally, a quarterly Newsletter for citizens and partners, called SCALE-UP In Action has been released and is circulated among a list of subscribers automatically. For industry of both industrial and public sectors, a dedicated Urban Nodes Platform is to be released shortly. You can register for both of these activities by clicking on the button below: