Introducing the Seven SCALE-UP Fellow Cities
SCALE-UP is excited to introduce & welcome the seven Fellow Cities, that will upscale their transport system in terms of multi-modality, connectivity and regional impact!
The Cities were selected from an open call, which ran until 31 October 2023. The seven Cities selected will exchange and learn from the innovative measures and policies developed in the three Urban Nodes: Antwerp (BE), Madrid (ES), and Turku (FI) as part of the SCALE-UP project, and develop replication roadmaps that will later be implemented in the local context.
They will have the opportunity to learn from the solutions portfolio tested in the three Urban Nodes, and get to know innovative strategies through activities such:
Peer learning visits in the City of Antwerp and Turku;
Transferability webinars, aiming to enhance the cooperation and knowledge exchange as well as mapping the lessons learned analysing the transferability of the innovative measures;
Cities’ session that will contribute to the validation and guarantee the implementation of effective strategies on vertical upscaling and horizontal upscaling;
Active contribution to the Urban Nodes Platform activities addressing all TEN-T urban nodes and relevant stakeholders in local, regional, national and European level.
Let’s Meet Them
Copyright: Dimitrije Milenkovic
1. Belgrade (Serbia)
The City of Belgrade is looking forward to a successful learning experience that should equip it with insights into transforming the behaviour of predominantly car-focused urban commuters, while also enhancing the ability to effectively engage with policymakers and emphasize the significance of specific city projects. Furthermore, by joining the Fellow Cities activities, Belgrade is eager to gain knowledge on selecting appropriate strategies for the transportation system, particularly within the context of Belgrade's role in the TEN-T network (as a part of the Western Balkans).
Copyright: Tima Kostyniak
2. Chernivtsi (Ukraine)
For the City of Chernivtsi, the SCALE-UP Fellow City programme will be a unique opportunity to collaborate with more experienced colleagues from European cities who have already gone through the same path that Chernivtsi is currently going through on the way to building a sustainable city. The overreaching goal and a separate big victory, as was stated during the application process, will be the development of a high-quality mobility plan for the central part of the city and a comprehensive plan for the spatial development of the community, which will be based on information received from colleagues.
Copyright: Martino Pietropoli
3. Ljubljana (Slovenia)
The City of Ljubljana aims to glean insights on sustainable mobility from the three Urban Nodes already involved in the SCALE-UP project. This will result in a comprehensive and collaborative knowledge exchange that can be shared through the mobility departments of the City of Ljubljana and Ljubljana's urban region. Additionally, the City aims to build some firm partnerships and participate actively in knowledge exchange workshops and field observations (learning from benchmarks) while also collaborating on innovative practices. In a later stage, Ljubljana is interested in preparing a replication potential document that would serve as a basis for our future sustainable multimodal mobility practices and planning.
Copyright: Darya Tryfanava
4. Lviv (Ukraine)
Lviv, by recognising the importance of mobility in the formation of the City, seeks to gain new experiences that can help the City form new ideas for development in the context of sustainable urban mobility. Sharing knowledge with the three Urban Nodes, which already have very well-developed aspects of mobility. Additionally, the Fellow Cities programme will help the City of Lviv reach some of the main objectives concerning transport and mobility.
5. Netwerkstad-Twente (The Netherlands)
The three Cities of Almelo, Hengelo and Enschede are focusing their interest on multi-level governance, in order to demonstrate some good examples derived from the good cooperation in triple helix but also cross-border. Also, the Cities set their sights on the combination of being a logistical hub/node and the urge for good public transport which causes some friction on the present infrastructure and getting more insight into data and how they can be used, which is lacking at this moment in the (cross-border) cities. Lastly, the Cities aim to engage their citizens in the Fellow Cities activities and provide them with clean, safe and inclusive mobility services.
Copyright: Fabio Fistarol
6. Riga (Latvia)
By joining the Fellow Cities Programme, the City of Riga aims to increase public transport usage in the modal share and reduce the usage of cars in the city. The City seeks to get insights from others that can later be used in the execution of the current projects and the upcoming ones.
Copyright: Fabio Fistarol
7. Turin (Italy)
The City of Turin joined the Fellow Cities Programme to learn more about shared micro-mobility measures in terms of safety regulation, fleet distribution, and law enforcement, which can result in the creation of a constructive framework to stimulate strategic dialogue and cooperation among all parties involved and shape a win-win solution. Also, the city of Turin focuses on getting to know more about Mobility as a service (MaaS) strategies, by observing both the technique architecture used to make the systems interoperable with the Mobility Service providers already active in the city and within the governance framework.
The entire SCALE-UP consortium welcomed the Fellow Cities warmly during a first virtual get-together on 01 February 2024 and is looking forward to involve all of them in the upcoming activities. It is also envisioned that the Fellow Cities will take part in the physical General Assembly of SCALE-UP this June 2024, taking place in Turku (Finland).
Author: Eftychia Koliou, Smart Transportation Alliance (STA)